Open Letter to our Fans and Family

Dear Friends of Throttle Gals,
We wanted to drop you a note to share with you the state of Throttle Gals. In the current climate of the world, many of our fellow publishers have had to make devastating decisions regarding their publications. We pray for our friends who have had to make the call to shut down permanently.
However, that being said, Throttle Gals is a unique business, being a niche magazine. Our amazing clientele is loyal and supportive, and we are in this together. We have no plans to do any kind of modification, aside from unavoidable delays in print and shipping.
Thank you all for your continued support over the last decade, and we sincerely look forward to our continuing adventures in the future. See you at the next show <3 (and until then, follow us on social media.)
Warmest Regards,
Doni & Trish
HCICs (Head Chicks in Charge)
Throttle Gals LLC
I writing to you to see if you still donate free stuff to car shows. My Name is Daniel Comer and I am with the Carthage Maple Leaf Car Show in Carthage Missouri. This year is our 40th Annual Car Show/ Cruise Night with Swap Meet and Car Corral. Our show is October 16th and 17th 2020. I will be happy to send you more information once I have your email address. Thank you for your time and consideration. And if you have time please come visit our show I am sure you would like what we have to offer here. It is a family friendly show and a good time for all. We get between 500 to 600 cars depending on the weather, (rain or shine), with other things going on in town that day we get between 15,000 to 18,000 spectators that come through. We also give away 2 $1,000 scholarships each year to those taking Automotive, Engineering, Drafting, or Robotic classes in College. As well as several other local charities. Thank you again. Sincerely, Daniel Comer
Is this show still going to go on? Please let me know <3